News from The Annual General Meeting. Club Officers. Patron: Mr. David Close Commodore: Mr. Clarrie Gorrie Club Captain: Mr. Euan Sarginson Secretary: Mr. Malcolm Scott Minute Secretary: Mr. Hugh Hobden Treasurer: Mr. Simon Ballantyne Frequency Steward: Mr. Simon Ballantyne Newsletter Editor: Mr. Ian Scott Racing Secretary: Mr. Leon Blewett Measurers Messrs: Peter Vincent And Laurie Wales General Committee: Messrs Mike Hefford,Peter Vincent,Ian Kington,David McCabe, Ralph Biggs and Henk Van Der Peer. Subscriptions are unchanged at Seniors$30,Family,Senior and child$40,Junior up to 16yrs $10. The treasurers Report showed a very healthy balance but much of this will be used for publishing the Centennial Publication annd maintaining two club houses. The Secretary's Report expressed some concern about the lack of interest shown by Canterbury EC12 Skippers especially in view of the upcoming NZ Nationals. The Centennial Publication is expected to launched soon. There are still three rulebooks available |